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painful gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is painful because the hard tissue behind the nipple can swell and rub on the sensory nerves behind the nipple. The gynecomastia tissue can also push upon the nerves, causing the sensation of pins and needles or electric shocks. Furthermore, hormone imbalances can cause tissues to swell and inflame.

Gynecomastia, popularly known as “man boobs,” is a disorder in which men’s breast tissue grows larger. Gynecomastia can be uncomfortable and can cause both emotional and physical pain. It is critical to understand why gynecomastia hurts and what it means to have painful gynecomastia.

How does gynecomastia cause pain?

Gynecomastia can produce pain ranging from a minor ache to severe pain. There are numerous factors that can cause pain, including:

  • Hormone imbalance: Hormone changes are the main cause of gynecomastia. Breast tissue growth can be induced by an excess of estrogen or a lack of testosterone. Hormonal fluctuations can cause swollen and painful breast tissue. There are some medications or substances that can cause hormonal imbalance in men, which can exacerbate painful male breasts.
  • Inflammation: When breast tissue grows, it can produce inflammation, resulting in pain and soreness. When tissue grows abnormally, the body typically increases the inflammation.
  • Increasing breast tissue volume: As the breast tissue expands, it can stretch the nerves and skin surrounding it, causing pain. Rapid tissue growth can be quite painful.

Types of Pain with Gynecomastia

Male breast pain can be symmetric or asymmetric, affecting either both or only one breast. Painful gynecomastia can present with a variety of sensations, including:

  • Tenderness: The breast tissue frequently feels sensitive to touch, particularly around the nipple. Mild to moderate tenderness may be present.
  • Swelling and Fullness: The extra breast tissue may cause an uncomfortable feeling of swelling and fullness in the chest region.
  • Aching Pain: Some people report feeling a dull, aching pain in the breast tissue that is affected. This pain could be constant, or it could come and go.
  • Sharp Pain: Sharp or stabbing pains might occur on occasion, especially when the breast tissue becomes compressed or during physical activity.
  • Nipple Sensitivity: It is typical to have increased nipple sensitivity, which can cause discomfort or pain when touched or rubbed against clothing.
  • Burning Sensation: A burning sensation around the breast is another type of discomfort that could result from inflammation or nerve irritation.

male chest pain

What should you do if you have painful gynecomastia?

Evaluate the size and severity of the tenderness in the breast tissue. There may be underlying diseases or medications that could be exacerbating your gynecomastia. It is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon, like Dr. Azouz, who can review your medical history and perform a physical examination to create a treatment plan to get rid of painful man boobs.

Treating Painful Gynecomastia

Surgery is the most effective treatment for men suffering from painful gynecomastia. Surgical techniques like liposuction and excision aim to remove extra breast tissue that causes pain. Liposuction can remove the fatty tissue associated with gynecomastia, whereas excision removes the glandular breast tissue. These surgical procedures not only relieve physical pain but also improve chest contour, greatly increasing a man’s general quality of life and self-confidence. The outcomes are typically permanent, offering long-term comfort and allowing men to resume their normal activities without the burden of chronic pain and tenderness.

gynecomastia surgery before and after by Dr. Solomon Azouz in Dallas, Texas

Will insurance cover painful gynecomastia?

Insurance coverage for painful gynecomastia might be difficult to get since many insurance companies define the procedure as cosmetic rather than medically required. Despite the substantial physical and mental distress associated with painful gynecomastia, insurers frequently claim that surgical intervention is elective and sought only for aesthetic reasons. This viewpoint ignores chronic pain and the potential psychological impact on those suffering from the condition. As a result, patients typically incur out-of-pocket costs for surgical procedures such as liposuction or mastectomy, even when their insurance offers some coverage. In many patients, insurance detuctibles, copays, and coinsurance can be more expensive than cash-pay cosmetic prices. To overcome this challenge, patients must produce thorough documentation from healthcare providers demonstrating the medical need of the surgery, including evidence of pain, failed non-surgical treatments, and the harmful impact on everyday living. Nonetheless, even with detailed evidence, many people still struggle to obtain insurance coverage for painful gynecomastia.

Correcting painful gynecomastia in Dallas

If you are struggling with painful gynecomastia and seeking expert care in Dallas, Dr. Azouz has extensive experience and specialized training in gynecomastia surgery. Dr. Azouz is well-known for his meticulous surgical technique, which minimizes scarring and promotes a faster recovery. Dr. Azouz understands the physical and emotional impact of gynecomastia and provides personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Dr. Azouz strives to provide the highest standard of care to alleviate your pain and restore your confidence. Contact us today at (972) 702-8888 or online to set up a consultation with Dr. Azouz to correct your painful gynecomastia.

Posted on behalf of Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

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